

Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health and I speak as someone who has always been very good at sleeping! I never envisaged I’d have a problem getting my 8 hours a night, in fact on the odd weekend, I’d get even more shut eye.  About 6 months ago there was a sudden dramatic shift and I started waking up around 5am.  I’d drop off fine around 11pm but try as I might I’d wake up and not be able to drop off again.  I tried going to bed earlier, falling asleep at 10am but I’d just wake up at 4am!
To take or not to take HRT - that is the question......

To take or not to take HRT - that is the question......

Last year I started experiencing odd symptoms, including very dry and flaky ears (who knew?!) I only found out this could be a symptom of Menopause when I happened to read a Menopause thread on Michelle Heaton’s Instagram page, where people were sharing their symptoms.  It wasn’t the only odd thing that had started to happen, so I called my (usually excellent) Doctors surgery.   The female doctor told me to come to the surgery, take my own blood pressure in reception, and weigh myself and then call back – they didn’t do blood tests.  She wasn’t in the slightest bit interested in a conversation about the Menopause.